Talk:Potassium permanganate

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I assume 'OTC' means over the counter?? If this is what it means I think we should not abbreviate it... --Jamesy 08:14, 27 July 2006 (EST)

As far as I know, one can also buy it from drug store (KMnO4 is a disinfectant).

-== Permanganate can be easely used for small fireworks ==

+++PROFESSOR MAD WARNS: OTC is the standard term for any 'over the counter' substance obtained from a chemist (with some legal level of control). In the U.K, KMnO4 appears to have been completely removed for OTC sales. It's removal, as with many other chemicals, have been withdrawn from sale, quite recently. This has been directly due to 'easy to buy chemicals',(OTC-from chemists, and hardware stores) as a result of the recent terrorism. Others, such as acetone, and hydrogen peroxide, have also become increasingly hard to find. As a boy, (many moons ago), this oxidant was a favourite, especially with magnesium. Yep!, looking back, I realise I am still able to. These two substances react together with great violence, and recipes such as these were commonplace in schoolboy chemistry text books. The energy released from flash mixtures is extremely high, and YOU WILL injure yourself if you play with these mixtures, I guarantee. PM+++

Permangnate can be easely used for small fireworks I hawe already tryed it mixe with sugar - sparks and smoke and with aluminium - prity violent sparks PS You can by it in every drugstore

I segjest u only use it kinda to mess around with... but never store any KnMnO4 compisitons!! never make any comp over a few grams...

Mixed with finley powdered magnalium and sulfur in a 5/3/2 ratio respectively it makes an extremely powerful flash powder. Be careful and make this only in small amounts. It is impact and heat sensitive. If you absolutely MUST store it do so in small amount in a place where it is OK for it to go off, or just dont mix in the permanganate intil ready to light.

Permanganate Is Easily obtainable on ebay in large quantities as well as stores who sell koi fish. it is called "pot perm". In my opinion this is a very useful chemical. when a drop of glycerin or break fluid is added it catches fire and burns very hot. so hot in fact it works great for lighting thermite. I have used this reaction to create a type of fire arrow tipped with a plastic vial. when it hits the target a metal rod pierces the vial and combines the chemicals. works great and a lot of fun :)

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